Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tip Tuesday

Today's Tip is how to have a silent breakfast table instead of listening to your kids argue over who has the bigger fruity pebble:
  Absolutely forbid them to open their mouths unless to put food in it.
Just kidding.  I may or may not have done that this morning.
Actually, I thought I'd share something about one of the essential oils I use.  My oldest son, is a typical seven year old boy in that he absolutely hates to sit still.  The boy quite literally hits the ground running in the morning.  He has non-stop energy.  Unfortunately, this also means that in school, he has a hard time sitting still and focussing on what he's supposed to be doing.   He also is one of the most social kids I know.  He loves people.  He loves making friends.  He loves hearing the sound of his own voice.
Thankfully his teachers have been pretty understanding about who he is, but that doesn't make him exempt from the rules.  So, it's been a struggle to not only keep him in his seat, but to keep him quiet and focussed.
We were at our wits end.  He's a good kid, and he really wants to do the right thing, but he has a hard time controlling himself.  I decided to try "In Tune", DoTerra's focus blend.
I was honestly kind of skeptical.  But, within the first couple of days, his teachers had noticed a huge difference.  I got a note from his book club teacher saying that he was reading better than he ever had, and she didn't have to get after him even once about talking and not doing his work.  We started by putting it on him in the morning, and by the 3rd day of using In Tune, his teacher sent home a note asking if I could send it to school with him so she could reapply at lunch time. I was SO surprised!  The bottle has a roller-ball, so we just apply a little bit to the back of his neck before school, and then his teacher does it again at lunch time.  It really is amazing how well it's worked for my little man.  Awesome, awesome, stuff.
And, it's resulted in getting notes like this home from school as opposed to notes telling me how he was having a hard time not shouting out and staying on task.  
He still has days where he has a hard time.  He's a boy.  But, I do know that this has really, really, worked for us.  He'll even ask me for it if he's having a hard time focussing on his homework.
We use DoTerra essential oils for a lot of things around here, so I'm sure you'll be hearing more about them.  I love their history, I love that they work and that they're safe for my kids.  I love that I don't have to worry about putting weird chemicals in our bodies.  We still use traditional medicine for some things, but more and more, we're relying on essential oils.  If you want more information, feel free to comment!  I'd be happy to share more.

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